Mr Norrell and the Modern Moral Order
(Some reflections arising from a class I’m teaching.) In A Secular Age, Charles Taylor describes the emergence of...
9 Results
(Some reflections arising from a class I’m teaching.) In A Secular Age, Charles Taylor describes the emergence of...
In a wonderful review-essay in the most recent issue of The New Atlantis, Adam Roberts argues that farmers were the...
Here’s a brief description of a course I’ll be teaching next semester: In a wonderful early poem,...
I wrote recently that I see world-building in SF and fantasy as coming in two chief varieties, the speculative and the...
The builders of fictional worlds, in science fiction and fantasy, come in two chief types, the meticulous and the...
Natasha Pulley’s The Watchmaker of Filigree Street is a historical fantasy, set in late Victorian London, that seems...
That’s the title of my New Atlantis essay, now available in full online. Please check it out, and if you’d...
Brandon Sanderson’s novel Mistborn: the Final Empire begins with a brief italicized passage, spoken by the...
In a forthcoming issue of The New Atlantis, James Bowman writes: Tolkien and the other old-time fantasists may have...