the problem with experts
Alastair Roberts writes, Trump’s argument against vaccines works because people no longer trust the authorities —...
12 Results
Alastair Roberts writes, Trump’s argument against vaccines works because people no longer trust the authorities —...
In the first five pages of The Marvelous Clouds, John Durham Peters says that media are “devices of information”...
I like the general theme of this post very much — we do pay a price, often too high a price, for adding features...
Voyager (which I mentioned in a previous post) was one of the coolest companies around in the Nineties; I was a devoted...
My friend David Michael of Wunderkammer fame points out a post by Will Leitch that, well, makes my previous post...
We interrupt this hiatus for this message from your host. The other day I had an email exchange that went something...
Following up on Farhad Manjoo’s love letter to newspapers: Here is Michael Hirschorn’s mash note to The...
Book from the Sky, by Xu Bing:What's on those sheets on the floor? Here's a close-up:Well, those certainly look...
Bill James, so-called "guru of baseball statistics" — he hates that moniker — and general Really...
I really love Scott McCloud's seminal guide Understanding Comics, but in general I'm not a big fan of...