Appearance as a Guide to Moral Character: Does Real Beauty Come from the Inside?
Michelangelo’s David Next up in my coverage of the Alasdair MacIntyre conference is a talk by Irfan Khawaja of...
8 Results
Michelangelo’s David Next up in my coverage of the Alasdair MacIntyre conference is a talk by Irfan Khawaja of...
One of the central beliefs of liberalism, as it is popularly formulated today, is that we should strive to tolerate...
In response to my last post about transhumanist celebration of the self-harming behavior of one young woman, tlcraig...
I had a look today at the disturbing, fascinating blog of Lepht Anonym, the young woman who recently caused a stir on...
Engadet reports that Wafaa Bilal is having trouble with the camera anchored to the back of his head. The post is a...
Wired has a story up by John Borland featuring one Lepht Anonym, who performs surgery on herself to implant...
A while back, Boing Boing featured photographer Philip Toledano’s portraits of “extreme” plastic surgery, “A...
In post called “Getting Used to Hideousness,” Mike Treder makes three points. Each is provocative — and flawed....