In this month’s American Enterprise Institute Health Care Policy Outlook I have a paper describing a plan for fixing America’s health care system that uses market principles, consumer choice, and fiscal discipline, rather than the government-centered approach of Obamacare.
But while more Americans are against Obamacare than for it, polls also show that a strong majority of the electorate want the very real problems in the health system fixed—just without the massive expansion of governmental power and spending that characterize Obamacare. This strong impulse for a positive reform agenda could undermine a repeal effort if there is no realistic program being readied to replace Obamacare.
Fortunately for Obamacare’s opponents, much of the work needed to construct a viable alternative was already done many years ago by a band of economists and health policy experts who have long argued that a market-based approach to reform would deliver far better results than one managed by the federal government, as Obamacare would be.
You can read the rest of the paper online at the AEI website, here.