More women over 40 are having babies, reports the Cape Cod Times:

Kim Cabral of Brewster thought she was in early menopause. Instead, she found out she was pregnant. In April 2006, Cabral gave birth to her third child, William, at age 45.

She marvels: “Each child is special, but when you’re older, you cherish each little thing. My husband and I were at the playground the other day and he said, ‘What would we be doing now without William?’ I answered, ‘We’d be home watching TV.’

An Australian man explains why he became a sperm donor:

“I chose to be a known donor – that can mean seeing the child only four times a year, or it can mean having more involvement if the mothers would like. Or, like in the case of a couple I helped, my interaction with the child will be through photos and via the webcam,” Mayger said.

“It’s not so much for my benefit, though I do greatly enjoy the contact I have with my gift children. It is for the child’s benefit, so they can know their biological heritage.

A family celebrates the 25th anniversary of Strong Fertility Center:

Despite low odds, the Kohls had a triple success on the first try, becoming the parents of the first triplets born through the Strong Fertility Center.

As the program, which is part of the University of Rochester Medical Center, celebrates its 25th anniversary this week, the Kohls reflect on their experience and fertility specialists review how much has changed.

Worldwide, IVF first led to a baby in 1978 in England. The first such baby in the United States was born in 1981.

“I do remember feeling like wow, if this doesn’t work, then what?” Annette Kohl, now 51, recalls. “It was our last resort to having a biological child.”

A baby mama’s take on Baby Mama:

My favorite part would be the happy ending, with both women experiencing motherhood. With surrogacy, a bond develops between the surrogate mother and the intended parent. I am happy that the movie touched on the strength of this type of relationship.